Advanced Yoga Poses for Muscle strength and flexibility

Yoga means yogam (unity) of mind and body. Mindful stretching and conscious breathing enhance one’s awareness and gradually he/she enters the transcendental state where the utmost serenity persists. At that stage thoughts vanish and consciousness about body and mind prevail, making one as pure as the nature and his/her body becomes part of the universe. Asanas tend to make yoga practitioners’ muscles and joints flexible and stronger. There are a few asanas which are specifically designed to make the body flexible and stronger and thus enabling one to lead a healthy and peaceful life.


In Sanskrit Mareechi means Sun and an ancient saint was also named after this. This asana is comparatively hard to perform. But very effective.

Sit down and stretch your legs. Then bring the feet of the left leg towards the right thigh and keep it close to rump. Enfold the left leg with the left hand and keep this hand at the back of the body. Then bring the right hand towards the backside of the body and grab the wrist of the left hand using this right leg. Breathe out and move to the front until the head touches the knee of the right leg. Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat it with the other leg.

This asana would help the abdomen and neck muscles and joints to become stronger and flexible. It stretches the lungs and waist could be in more ease when doing this asana.

2.Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana or  Ardha baddha janu sirsasana

Ardha baddha indicates halfway of ardhapadmasana. Janu means knee and Sirasu means head. When one performs ardhapadmasana (halfway of) padmasana, simply bends one leg and keeps the foot on the thigh of other leg. Keeping this position, when the practitioner bends forward and touches his head on the knee, it is called ardha baddha janu sirsasana.

How to practise:
To practise this asana, stand straight and then bend the right knee to keep the foot on the left thigh. Round off the right hand through backwards and grab the thump of the right foot that is on the left thigh. Then bend forward until the head touches on the knee of the left leg. Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat it with the other leg.

This asana stretches the muscles in the arms and legs and therefore very beneficial for the flexibility of joints. It stretches the spine and the joints in the waist part become more flexible and by performing the asana the practitioner could achieve ease and solace. Moreover, as it is involved quite a lot of balancing, the concentration and calmness prevail in the mind.