Ayurveda: Sesame seeds to maintain hair and bone health and reduce blood pressure

Known to have cultivated during Indus Valley Civilization almost 5000 years ago, Sesame seeds are still integral to Indian life, that even today it has been used  as a nutriment and an essential cultural symbol.

In South India it is sesame oil which has been used to light the holy lamp Nilavilakku early morning and in the evening at Hindu homes as part of a devotional practice.  In short, it has been part of our life  from birth to death.

The oil has been used as the main ingredient in various dishes.  In Ayurveda, Sesame seed is “Thilam” and featured as a medicine of having many therapeutic uses. In fact, the word thaila (oil or lotion), one of the most commonly used preparations of Ayurveda, originated from Sesame as it is the main ingredient in all types of thaillas.For example, if  Sahacharadi Thaila is used in a treatment, it means that it was sesame oil in which Sahacharadi medicines are  boiled to prepare that particular thaila.

Sesame has got two types, in black and white colours. Being a hot and sticky pulse it is classified as Shimpi Dhanya in Ayurveda.


  1. Sesame seed oil has been used as a medicine in treating skin conditions. Smearing sesame oil is beneficial in abating the complexities of skin diseases.
  2. Smearing sesame oil on the head is very helpful in maintaining hair health ,especially mixed with herbs are the best in this regard.
  3. In fact, sesame oil is the integral commodity of Ayurveda as it is used in preparing thailas (lotions) and what attributes sesame this quality is its absorbing power that it absorbs the essence of other herbs without destroying its peculiar therapeutic quality. In other words, the therapeutic qualities of herbs which existed beforehand of the preparation will remain as it is after boiling it in sesame oil.
  4. Some of the thailas prepared using sesame oil are also good for consuming and some of them are Gandha thaila and Ksheerabala. There are many thailas which are known as sneha paneeya administered for arthritis and nerve problems.

Health benefits

  1. As it is rich in Calcium and Iron it is beneficial in maintaining hair and bone health.
  2. Being rich in fibre, Sesame is digestive and very beneficial for heart health.
  3. Being rich in Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, sesame is beneficial in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.
  4. Protein contend in Sesame is 5g /30 g.
  5. Vitamin E, magnesium and anti oxidants in sesame help in controlling hypertension.
  6. 22% Calcium contend helps to maintain bone health and reduce the chance of Osteo Porosis  threat in old age. Consuming appropriate quantity of fried sesame powder in night will help to get rid of this problem. It can also be consumed after mixing
  7. As it is rich in vitamin B, sesame helps in treating arthritis difficulties.
  8. Sesame is used in treating many ailments suffered by women, especially POCD complications and ‘Thila’ concoction is one of the medicines used in this
  9. Sesame is also helpful in treating Thyroid ailments.

There are sesame dishes in different tastes such as  Sesame ball, pudding, porridge, chutney etc. which are very familiar in India.

A very tasty as well as healthy juice  made of sesame, jaggary,water , pinch of cardamom and milk as main ingredient is very popular in the country.

Courtesy:Dr.Shabu Pattambi