Coconut oil and oatmeal may help get rid of sensitive skin problems

Sensitive skin, which is prone to inflammation and other adverse reactions, may be caused by underlying symptoms. Consequently the condition can be cured only by treating these underlying triggers and by soothing the skin. It is often done by using prescription medicines and some home remedies.
The medical treatment in this regard contains finding the underlying triggers by monitoring the accompanying symptoms and prescription medicines. Usually doctors prescribe,
Steroid creams: Both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription-strength steroid creams are in use to relieve inflammation and itchiness. But it is strictly prohibited from applying on the face.
Analgesic creams: Doctors may also prescribe numbing creams which are found helpful in reducing itchiness, which may also save the patient from itching or scratching in the affected area.
- Antihistamines: Taking an oral antihistamine will also help reduce some allergic reactions.
- Protective sunscreen: Light therapy may also help in this regard.
On the other hand there have been many home remedies too in use which are found useful in curbing irritation of the sensitive skin and which include:
A report published by Medical News Today explains that hypoallergenic moisturizers and lotions may reduce dryness without irritating sensitive skin. Some ingredients may work better, depending on the type of sensitivity.
It is already endorsed by American Academy of Dermatology and in their study it is found that people with very dry skin may respond well to certain ingredients, such as urea or lactic acid.
2. Oils
There are some simple oils too in use in this regard, such as shea butter or coconut oil, may work well for others. It is always important to test the product on a small area of skin before applying it to the rest of the affected skin.
Oats may be very helpful in treating the problems related to sensitive skin. A report by Medical News Today says that study in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology showed that applying colloidal oatmeal to the skin had helped with symptoms such as rashes, dry skin, and eczema.
It is also effective as it improves the skin’s barrier. Applying a colloidal oatmeal paste to sensitive skin will help manage the symptoms.
Other tips
People with sensitive skin can also try the following home remedies.
- Taking showers that last less than 10 minutes
- Stop bathing and cleaning the body in hot water
- Stop using harsh fragrances, detergents and other chemicals
- Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products, such as soaps, deodorant, and detergent.
Remember, in this time of coronavirus pandemic, it is important to clean the hand frequently and it would be very difficult for people who have sensitive skin to use soaps and other sanitizers. Therefore by applying the aforesaid remedies, one can easily get rid of such problems.
Courtesy: Medical News Today