Meditation Technique for Stress

It is from the creative and poetic self-centered disposition that a Buddha grows into transcendence where he recognizes himself as universe and dissolves in the Mother Nature. Osho describes this experience as ” one breathes in the entire Universe to himself and in exhalation, the universe breathes him to its innermost core.”
This understanding paves the way for a life of gratitude wherein we drop all self-centered dispositions and experience the oneness with the nature. It is here that we find the ultimate internal bliss.
The only way to achieve that state is meditation wherein we return to our self and the self of the entire universe. In this perfect internal silence, one transforms to become intermittent and indefinite like the sky or like a tree, rooted but spread beyond boundaries.
Following meditation techniques may help liberate from oneself and become one with the nature.
1.Sit erect and close your eyes.Don’t become self conscious instead draw your attention to the surroundings and realize that you are nothing but existence itself. Relax and perceive the truth that you belongs to nature and there exists no selfishness and there is no more a concept of ‘I’ that you are nature itself and everything you own is given by Mother Nature.
2.Then concentrate on every single part of your body one by one and repeat chanting that your body and organs belongs to nature and there exists no selfishness and there is no more a concept of I. Continue the same for almost 3 minutes and then move your concentration to the sounds around you.
3.Then draw your awareness to what you see around you and experience the mere vision of them. All this time, you should be aware of your body as well as your breath and here also repeat the same chanting that there is no more a concept of ‘I’ and everything you own is given by Mother Nature.
This Meditation would help you to drop the concept of ‘I’ and achieve the state of blissfulness and eternity. After doing this meditation a meditator will realize that there is no need to burden the things not meant for him rather trust the universe and it would take care of him for good.