Ottradam-A time tested Therapy to Detoxify Your Body
Ottradam (Fomentation) is the application of hot packs with Siddha herbs heated at appropriate temperatures.Ottradam with cereal husk, brick powder, lime peel and medicated leaves is effective in managing arthritis, sinusitis, low back ache, and headache. It also stated to dilate the body channels and cleanse them.
1.Relief in arthritis,sinusitis,low-back ache and headache.
2.De-stresses the body and mind.
3.Mitigates anxiety and depression.
4.Tones skin,muscles and nerves.
5.Regularises sleep.
6.Removes body pain.
7.Disseminates vaayu and regulates it if in excess.
(INFORMATION COURTESY:Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India)