Steps and asanas involved in Suryanamaskara

An effective form of exercise and a famous yoga practice, Suryanamaskara is quite popular for its holistic benefits. This yoga practice includes 12 steps and subsequently 12 different asanas which are as explained below:
1. Sthidhi Pranamasana: Stand straight with the hand joined near the chest. Have normal breathing
2. Hastha Uthanasana: stretch your hands up to the maximum and now move them backwards along with the head.
3. Padahasthasana: Inhale and bend forward and try to touch the knees with the head. Remain in this position for some time.
4. Ashwasanjalanasana: Remain in Padahasthasana and now push your right leg backwards with just the knee and the toes touching on the floor. Now, keep the other leg in a way that you support your weight on the toes. Make sure that your left knee presses against your chest. Press down the hip as much as possible and look upwards. Take deep breaths in this position.
5. Parvathasana: From the previous position, raise your right knee and then stretch your left leg backward and raise your hips. Make sure that your palms and foot touch the floor. Breathe out easily.
6. Ashtanganamaskaram: Slowly change your position to keep the body flat with the upper side of the foot, palms, knees, chest and forehead touching the floor. Have normal breath while in this position.
7. Bhujangasana: Now, lift your head maximum, leaning on your hands and putting the whole weight on the palms. Make sure that your spine is well curved at this point of time. Take deep breaths in this position.
8. Parvathasana: Lift your hips up from the earlier position to form Parvathasana as in step 5.
9. Ashwasanjalanasana: Now push your left leg forward and place them in between their palms. Place the right knee on the floor with just the knee and the toes touching on the floor. Make sure that your left knee presses against your chest. Press down the hip as much as possible and look upwards. Take deep breaths in this position.
10. Padahasthasana: From the previous position, lift the hips up and then bend your head to touch the knee.
11. Hastha Uthanasana: From the previous position, stretch your hands up to the maximum and now move them backwards along with the head.
12: Sthidhi Pranamasana: Now come in to the initial position. Stand straight with the hand joined near the chest. Have normal breathing.