The Sughachikilthsa (Monsoon treatment) in Ayurveda

The Indian month of Karkidaka is a time when Ayurveda practitioners and the traditional Keralites consider taking the Sughachikilthsa to enhance the health. This month is considered as the month in which individuals take rest after a year of efforts and physical work. The Sughachikilthsa is almost like recharge for the body that is lost in fatigue and tension.

This month is important both physically and spiritually. The Sughachikilthsa is administered in order to expel the doshas of Vata (toxins) in the body which were accumulated during the rainy season. This mainly includes treatment methods like massage, dhara, podikizhi, pachakizhi and udhwarthanam. The Sughachikilthsa can range between three days to a month and among those, the easiest one that can even be performed at home is the bath after profusely applying your body with oil.

Ayurveda hospitals are quite busy in this month with uzhichil, pizhichil and oushadhakanji distribution. The Sughachikilthsa is suitable for all, irrespective of their gender and age. The most important things in Sughachikilthsa is rest and pathya (restricting certain food items). Different treatment methods have their own durations. One shouldnot stop the Sughachikilthsa in between. It should complete the cycle to make the individual healthy and if not. It might yield negative effects.  

Taking bath in lukewarm water after profusely applying oil on the body and massaging for some time is what is called ennathechukuli (oil bath) and this can be performed even at home. What kind of oil is to be applied must be fixed in consultation with the Ayurveda physician as all oils may not suit all individuals. This is beneficial for treating physical conditions like decreased circulation of blood, pain and other issues related to muscles and bones. 

Uzhichil and Pizhichil are both treatment methods to enhance the agility of the body and to boost the nerves and veins. This is also helpful in dealing with arthritic pain and to expel the toxins via excreta and urine. Many restrictions are to be followed while doing this treatments and it ranges from 7 to 14 days.  Thirummal, Navarakizhi,Ilakizhi and Vasthinasyam belong to this category and are Sughachikilthsas that can be undertaken in the month of Karkidaka 

Oushadahakanji (herbal porridge) is a kind of medicinal porridge that is made of the navara rice boiled in coconut milk or milk along with a lot of medicinal ingredients like cumin seeds, black cumin seeds, green grams, dried ginger, fenugreek, turmeric, mace, coriander, cloves and many other such ingredients. It is desirable that this porridge is consumed in empty stomach in the morning. It is better that one takes it continuously for a month. Yet there are many who take it for different durations. Consumption of this medicinal porridge can actually enhance the functioning of the pancreas.  

Sughachikilthsa of Karkidaka can also boost the sexual energy as it enhances the functioning of the nerves and the muscles, resulting in increased circulation of blood, enhanced potency and sexual energy.

The pathya to be followed during the Sughachikilthsa is not just restricted to meat and fish. Rather, it is a dietary style that involves systematic consumption of food realizing the needs of the body. This may not be suitable for all and subsequently, one has to consult a physician before undertaking pathya.  It is better to consume a lot of fibers in order to make digestion easier and smoother. Sometimes, you might also have to avoid spicy, sour and bitter foods.  

It is desirable that one consider the following during the Sughachikilthsa

Consume food with old rice

Consume soups made from green grams

Consume leafy vegetables with no chemical content. (preferable what is grown at home)

Avoid strenuous jobs

Avoid sweet and spicy food.

Drink a lot of buttermilk.

Apply oil on the body before bath.

Avoid sleeping during day and do not engage in exercises.

Avoid non-vegetarian foods.

Avoid the consumption of liquor and smoking.