Yoga for an upset stomach and indigestion

It is indeed a proved fact that Yoga with its holistic healing feature can help ease many discomforts and uneasiness faced by common man in his daily life. Researchers attribute this quality of yoga to its mindful stretching and subsequent effect of blissful awareness.
There are quite lot of asanas that would allow the body and mind to relax and subsequently relieve discomforts like constipation and bad stomach. Tiryaka bhujangasana and udarakarshanasana are two such asanas those are found to be very effective in treating these conditions.
Tiryaka bhujangasana (Twisting Cobra Pose)
In Sanskrit the word Tiryaka means turning and when we provide a turn while completing bhujangasana it could transform itself to Tiryaka bhujangasana.
STEPS: Down facing downwards and keep your legs close. Keep your palms on the floor near your shoulders. Breathe in and lift the upper part of your body (till you navel). Lift your head and look upwards. Breathe out slowly and bend over backwards to look back over the left shoulder. Remain that position for 4 to 5 Seconds. Breathe out slowly, return to your initial position and do this with the alternate sides. Repeat this for 4 times at least.
Udarakarshanasana (Abdominal twist pose)
Steps: Sit down with your legs stretched. Now bend your legs and keep them under the hips to form Vajrasana. Breathe out slowly and bring the right knee near to left leg. Keep the palms and the bottom side of right knee touching the floor. With the help of left hand push left leg towards right side and at the same time bend over backwards. Look over backwards over left shoulder. Try to bend the abdomen. Remain that position for 4 to 5 Seconds. Breathe out slowly, return to your initial position and do this with the alternate sides.