Yoga for the improved health of internal organs

Yoga is for the holistic enhancement of health. There are three specific asanas to enhance the health of the kidneys, the prostate gland, the urinary bladder and the ovary. They are as follows:

Baddha konasana:

Sit down stretching your legs and keep the legs close together. Make sure that the backbone is erect and keep your palms on sides of your body on the floor.Adjoin the soles of both your feet by bending your knees and bring them closer to the pelvis. Join your fingers and place them below the adjoined foot. Breathe out and bend forward to touch the floor with the chin. Breathe in and come back to the erect position. Relax your body and stretch your legs. Place your hands behind the body and lean on them to relax.  Such exercises are extremely effective in dealing with urinary problems and menstrual difficulties. Subsequently, it is extremely beneficial for women.

Upavistha konasana

Sit down with your spine erect and keep your legs straight on the floor. Keep your hands straight on both sides of your body and place the palms on both sides of your body. Keep the legs apart as much as possible and try holding the foot with your hands without bending the knee. Breathe out and bend down to touch the floor with the chin. Continue in the position for some time with normal breathing. Breathe in and come back to normal position. Relax your body and stretch your legs. Place your hands behind the body and lean on them to relax.


Sit down with your legs straight. Now keep your palms on the floor behind your back, with the wrist facing the buttocks. Now, breathe in as much as possible and lift the hips.Make sure that the legs are close to each other and are straight. Let the head rest backwards.Breathe out and come back to initial position. Shake your hands to reduce any stress in the muscles. Practice Savasana to relax the body.