Yoga to enhance your physical beauty

Often, with the busy schedule of life, individuals tend to neglect their body and this can indeed be taxing for ones physique. Often our healthy practices are limited just to having nutritious food and we tend to forget the other necessary aspects required to keep our body healthy. Thus it is always advisable that you keep aside some time every day for your body. Using this time effectively can keep you in good shape and enhance your confidence.

The following asanas in Yoga can help you achieve this easily.


sit down in Padmasana and join your hands to place them near your chest. Breathe in slowly and simultaneously, lift your hands above your head, still keeping them joined together. Make sure that your spine is erect. This asana helps you to improve your physical energy and to strengthen your muscles. It also helps remove the unnecessary fat in your hips.

stand with your spine erect. Without moving your hands, bend forward while breathing out. While you bend forward, lift one of your legs backwards and hold that foot with both your hands. Remain in this position for some time. Breathe out slowly while returning to the initial position. Practice this with alternate legs.

Lie down facing upwards. Keep your body straight and keep your legs close. Breathe in and lift both your legs slowly without bending them. Try touching the floor behind your head with the legs. It might be painful in the beginning. But practice will ease the pain. Remain in that position for some time and then return to the initial position breathing out slowly. This asana can improve your digestion, help you attain good body shape and make your sound better.


Lie down facing downwards and keep your legs close. Keep your palms on the floor near your shoulders. Breathe in and lift the upper part of your body (till you navel). Lift your head and look upwards. Remain in this position for some time. Breathe out slowly and return to your initial position.

Lie down facing downwards and keep your legs close. Slowly bend your legs and lift them. Hold your right foot with your right hand and left foot with your left hand. Breathe in slowly and bend your body to form a curve. Breathe out slowly to return to your initial position.